Project management and quality architecture. This work package is necessary for efficient management of the entire project and continuous monitoring of the implementation of project activities. At the very beginning, all partners will sign, in addition to signing a partnership agreement, a quality policy statement that expresses greater commitment and commitment to the implementation of project activities. The organizational structure will be established in the manner of efficient management, where in addition to the project consortium board there will be an executive board composed of work package leaders. Consortium meetings will contribute to the implementation of project rules, procedures, plans and strategies. Progress reports at the internal and external level will contribute to better preparedness for the interim and final report. An integral part of the work package is accountability to the national Erasmus office and the EACEA. All project meetings will be regularly evaluated to make each one better. The foundations of all project partners are well-organized managerial, financial and administrative structures.

Duration: M1-M36

Lead beneficiary: UniKg


  • T1.1 Signing of Quality policy statement
  • T1.2 Establishing of the project organizational structure
  • T1.3 Organizing consortium meetings
  • T1.4 Development of project management and quality strategies
  • T1.5 Internal and external quality progress reporting
  • T1.6 Organization of external monitoring visit
  • T1.7 Organizing of reporting to EACEA
  • T1.8 Evaluation of meetings via survey
  • T1.9 Financial and administrative management

Research and needs analysis. The analysis of the situation in the EU and in the WB partner countries will provide an overview of the situation (need base analysis) in the field of internationalization at home (IaH) and the design of framework for WB partners and the draft mapping road of WB IaH within specific capacity each of partners. EU partners will ensure that WB partners are introduced to the way IaH works and practical training. Framework map can be used by any HEI from the are of WB for the creation of their own strategy for IaH.

Duration: M1-M12

Lead beneficiary: UoM


  • T2.1 Analyse the situation of IaH in the EU
  • T2.2 Analyse the situation of IaH at WB partners
  • T2.3 Framework development for IaH at WB universities
  • T2.4 Organize trainings at EU partners

Development of appropriate system and protocol for IaH. Strategies for IaH will be developed within this work package. The most important thing will be good education of administrative staff, students and managers at WB partners who need to develop a solid support system for international students for their safety and security (S&S). Support systems will be created through training module for all incomers as well as through faculty web page in the form of detailed manual what to do during indoor accident, S&S event types, how to be prepared, establishing emergency action plan at the faculty level, quarantine challenges, life in cultural diversity environment etc. Developed support system and protocols will be digitalized. Very important will be buddy system for all WB partners. Academicians, administrative staff, students and external stakeholders will be trained about organization of guidelines, protocols and procedures for international students, application rules of social and cultural integration, student support services, marketing trainings, virtual and digital innovation in conducting teaching process and interactions, social integration strategies and strategies for IaH. Each WB partner will pilot newly developed documents, strategy, support and safety protocols, guidelines, buddy system and put all these into action. In the 1st project year, all of these will be developed and in the 2nd project year will be tested.

Duration: M10-M36

Lead beneficiary: SUM


  • T3.1 Develop strategies for IaH at WB HEIs
  • T3.2 Organize starting training for students and staff
  • T3.3 Develop digital support system and protocol for international students and staff
  • T3.4 Institutional trainings for internal and external stakeholders
  • T3.5 Pilot newly developed services and documents
  • T3.6 Evaluate of pilot activities

Internationalization of curriculum (IoC). This work package will introduce intercultural and international competencies through the internationalization of existing courses and the introduction of new virtual courses. It will be very important to adopt an appropriate model of internationalization, i.e. to connect domestic teachers and students with international virtual classrooms. All developed and internationalized courses will be piloted or practically tested with teachers and students. Evaluation of the quality of virtual classroom at the IaH will be very important, for the further continuation of IaH.

Duration: M1-M36

Lead beneficiary: UES


  • T4.1 Organize workshops for teaching staff related to IoC and development of intercultural competences
  • T4.2 Select courses for IoC and review current practices
  • T4.3 Establish models for connection with international students and staff (COIL/ CLIL/ TILT/ EMI)
  • T4.4 Develop new international virtual courses
  • T4.5 Strengthening of online teaching platform/ equipment – development international virtual classroom
  • T4.6 Piloting courses for IoC/ COIL for virtual international courses
  • T4.7 Evaluation of pilot activities

Impact and dissemination. Within this work package, the identification and organization of activities to be performed in order to promote the commercial exploitation of the project's results and the widest dissemination of knowledge from the project will be carried out. In addition to the dissemination and exploitation plan, a dissemination toolkit will be developed (project website, logo, social media, press releases, printed material, newsletter, promo video). External stakeholders will be engaged to support project activities but also in the process of evaluation of the realization of project activities.

Duration: M1-M36

Lead beneficiary: USHK


  • T5.1 Design and implementation of dissemination and exploitation plan
  • T5.2 Making tools for dissemination
  • T5.3 Raising awareness through info-days, symposia and conferences
  • T5.4 Preparation of the interim and final report on dissemination and exploitation activities
  • T5.5 Reporting on impact and sustainability